
Grace Marie Liu (she/her)
Grace Marie Liu is a writer from Michigan. She is a 2024 YoungArts National Winner with Distinction in Poetry, an alumna of the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program and the Iowa Young Writers' Studio, and a co-Editor-in-Chief of Polyphony Lit. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Minnesota Review, Sundog Lit, AAWW, Up the Staircase Quarterly, and Okay Donkey Mag, among others, and has been recognized by The Poetry Society UK, the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, and Gigantic Sequins. She is an incoming freshman at Yale University.
Executive Team

Ayanna Uppal (she/her)
Executive Editor
Ayanna Uppal is a Punjabi-American writer from the Greater Philadelphia Area. In her spare time, she enjoys working on Punjabi-to-English translations and advocating for prison reform. She hopes you have a wonderful day!
Jenny Chu (she/her)
Blog Director
Jenny Chu is a teenage Chinese-American writer from Dallas, Texas. She writes primarily poetry, but sometimes dabbles in playwriting and prose. An alumna of the Sewanee Young Writers' Conference, her work has been recognized by YoungArts and the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers and is published in Fleeting Daze Magazine, the Incandescent Review, and Paper Crane Journal amongst others. She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Rosetta Lit and Executive Editor for Cathartic Youth Lit. Besides creative writing, she eats copious amounts of Japanese food, constantly curates new Spotify playlists, and writes for her school's newspaper.

Ruoyu Wang (they/them)
Executive Editor
Ruoyu Wang is an artist based near Seattle who supports the struggle for Palestinian liberation. Their poems appear in Sine Theta Magazine, COUNTERCLOCK, and The Shore, and they have studied under Kelly X. Hui and Logan Hoffman-Smith. When not editing and conducting interviews for SUNHOUSE Literary, Ruoyu is busy finding love in their friends. Find them @shallowf1sh on Twitter.
Iris Lee (she/her)
Art Director
Iris Lee/李艾诗 is a poet and artist from Shanghai who loves her cat Lucy very dearly. She is also editor-in-chief of her school magazine Zeitgeist. In her free time, she enjoys crocheting, binging philosophical YouTube videos, and listening to Lana Del Rey.
Abigail Bailey (she/her)
Abigail Bailey is a high school student and writer from Maine. A '24 alum of the Adroit Journal's Summer Mentorship, she loves Leonard Cohen and the snow.

Angie Yeung (she/her)
Angie Lucien is a student from Hong Kong. Her works have been published in the Eunoia Review, Ink & Marrow, Fleeting Daze among many others. She is also part of the Pen & Quill and Aster Lit masthead. A keyboardist and rock music enthusiast, she obsesses over Syd Barrett and other rockers on her Instagram art account: @delucienal_
Ashley Zhu is a writer from New York City. Her writing has been recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards at the national level and she is an alumna of the Daphne Review Summer Mentorship. Like most people, she procrastinates on schoolwork by reading poetry. Outside of writing, she is also interested in math, art, and boba.
Ashley Zhu (she/her)

Audrey Wu (she/her)
Audrey Wu is a high school student from Cambridge, Massachusetts. In addition to The Dawn Review, she edits for a variety of other magazines and interviews for the Teen Magazine. She has attended the Kenyon Review Young Writers workshop, Iowa Young Writers studio, Grubstreet’s Young Adult Writer’s program, and Northwestern Creative Writing for Talent Development among others. When she’s not writing, you can find her baking, crocheting, or obsessively binging rom coms.
Chloe Yang (she/her)
Chloe Yang is a young writer from New Jersey. She is always writing about love and oranges. She is an alumna of the Adroit Journal's Summer Mentorship Program as well as a Scholastic National Gold Medalist. In addition to The Dawn Review, she also serves as an Executive Editor at Polyphony Lit. Outside of reading and writing, she loves anything J.R.R. Tolkien, strawberry milk tea, and cats.

Claire Yang (she/her)
Claire Yang is a Chinese-American writer from Westfield, New Jersey. She edits for Polyphony Lit and has been recognized nationally by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers and has work in or forthcoming in Aster Lit, the Eunoia Review, and others. She loves the Big Bang Theory, sour plum drinks, and her mini goldendoodle, Simba.
Claire Zhou (she/her)
Claire Zhou is a student currently residing in Suzhou, China. Her poetry has recently appeared in Gulf Coast, Notre Dame Review, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Puerto del Sol, and elsewhere. Her work has been recognized by the National YoungArts Foundation, Hollins University, The Adroit Journal, and Tinderbox Poetry Journal. She loves baking.

D. H. Lane (she/he)
D.H. Lane is a creative writing and linguistics undergrad at Syracuse University. She focuses on classic civilizations, language, the horror genre, queer identity, and deer in the headlights. She edits for Renaissance Review in addition to publishing her own work. You can find her work in The Graveyard Zine, Anti-Heroin Chic, warning lines, and various Syracuse publications including Perception and The Outcrowd. You can visit her page at delightfullyunhinged.substack.com.

Edison Hicks (he/they)
Edison Hicks is a writer from New Jersey currently attending Bennington College where he studies poetry, music, and drama. They occasionally work with the Bennington Review as an editorial assistant. You can find their work in Issue V of The Dawn Review. When he isn't writing or revising, he can be found listening to music, painting his nails, or spending time with his friends and family. When they *are* writing or revising, it's typically about formative queer experiences, family through the lens of memory, and personal relationships.

Elizabeth Mansfield (she/they)
Elizabeth is a writer from Denver, Colorado. They studied creative writing at the University of Chicago, where they graduated with honors. Their works have been featured in Quailbell, Wigleaf, and Unlimited Literature. Currently, they're studying law in the hopes of becoming an environmental justice lawyer.

Michelle Li (she/her)
Michelle Li has been nationally recognized by Scholastic Art and Writing and the Rising Voices Awards. She is an alumna of the Kenyon Review Young Writer's Workshop and her work has been published in Blue Marble, Masque and Spectacle, and Lumina Journal. In addition, she plays violin and piano and loves Rachmaninoff and Sylvia Plath. You can find her website at michelleli.carrd.co.

Mingyu (明宇) Brian Chan is a writer in New York. His work appears or is forthcoming in The Emerson Review, Beaver Magazine, The Shore, and more. When he’s not writing, you can probably find him in a record store, searching for a new vinyl to add to his collection. He’s on Instagram @briantea__.
Mingyu Brian Chan (he/him)
Isabella Wang (she/her)
Isabella Wang is a student and poet from Connecticut. Her work has been recognized by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers and the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, among others. She loves birds, the color blue, and all sorts of wintery things. When not writing, you can find her enjoying thin pens, long corridors, and small alcoves.
Richard Yuan (they/he/she)
Richard is an asian-american writer and creative from California. They run an archival tumblr blog, and in their free time, they can be found posting on independent journalism blogs, copywriting, and purchasing snacks with coins only.
Editors Emeritus:

Yajeun Myung (she/her)
Yajeun (Juni) Myung is a high school senior from New Jersey. Her work has been recognized by the New York Times, the Alliance for Young Writers, and the National Council of Teachers of English. Other than writing, she enjoys hitting the gym, learning languages, and watching films.
Our past editors include Ziyi Yan, Joanna Liu, Sophia Kunkel, Hallie Dong, Claire Xu, Ava Ye, Vicki Lin, Terra Ungson, Akshita Krishnan, Paridhi Poddar, Loisa Fenichell, Kaydance Rice, Heidi Pan, Lucas Rucchin, Hilary Tam, Sabine Wilson-Patrick, Samiksha Ransom, Sandra Lin, Jacqueline Parker, Mackenzie Duan, Believe Chakenya, Ciara Whimbush, Evan Wang, Mark Kyungsoo Bias, and Maabena Nti.